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Rolled Wool Pin Cushions Tutorial

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whosies--written whatnots: Rolled Wool Pin Cushions Tutorial


Rolled Wool Pin Cushions Tutorial

Before we start:
We got some hail--yesterday---for 15 minutes straight.

Ok. Now to begin. I LOVE making these pin cushions. First they are SUPER EASY! and second they really take like 15 minutes to whip up. So have some fun and get your imaginations going with this. There is for sure a ton of ideas that you can come up show us when you finish. will ya?
*** Materials: I used sweaters. 100% wool sweaters. You can use wool felt also or normal felt too--but the wool is much cuter. These sweaters/felt need to be felted. Give it the hot/cold bath and shrink that baby down. You don't want strings or things to pull your pin cushion apart.
*** Cut your wool strips. You need to decide how tall to make the pin cushion. I wouldn't recomend anything larger than 3".  You will end up with a tower if you do. Maybe that is what you want.....hmmmm..  I like the 2" or 2 1/2" strips personally. The strips should be around 12" long or longer. If they are shorter you can use them but will be butting alot of ends, and that can become not fun. Colors--You can pre-think this also, as far as colors go. I made a watermelon and a tree i would need colors that will work for that. get it? Stripes work too. You can decide which color to use at the end. good. now.  So go and get your stuff so you can roll with me.

Start your roll small or you will end up with a hollow center.  For the 'seeds' i added some 1/2" strips of dark brown or black wool.  You need to roll a bit in the center and then start placing the 'seeds' and roll some more.

You can totally try out the placement of the seeds. Stick one in ....roll....take a look...unroll and change placement if you don't like it or keep on roll'n if you do.

See how cute?!
I used a pink striped sweater and made sure the pink was at the end that would show. Stripes are great that way.

When you are at the end of one color and want to begin another...just but the ends up together. They will be covered by another roll so don't worry too much. Just make sure they stay together. Notice i cut the next strip with the white on the top---for the rind! Handy that stripe is...told ya.

Now i have my white rind done. weeee.  Now i will finish it up with a green outside. {no pics- just believe me till you see it later on down the line} Same process. I know you can do it on your own. Go on now, give it a try.


This trunk starts off just the same way. I did use a light brown and a dark brown wool strips together. Just layer them on top of each other---making sure that on edge is flush.

Oh my goodnes....a moth hole!! who cares!! It will be rolled right into the middle and lost forever. yay!
Keep rolling, rolling, rolling until you have it as fat as you like it. If you need to add strips, again just but them up to each other and continue rolling. Fun!!!

When you get to the end {I added the cuff of the sleeve for the outside roll on the trunk} You will just want to pin it in place and then do a button hole stitch along the cut edge. Gives it a cute little end + keeps it together.

Here is the top---nice and flush.

Here is the bottom....all fluffy and mismatched. Don't freak out! It will be covered up. Top- nice. Bottom-not nice.
We intrerupt this tutorial to bring you the kids making a monster huge paper airplane.

OK. we're back.
Don't get all confused at the upcoming pics. I flip back and forth from one pin cushion to the other. Same process. ya with me?

Now you need to make a bottom to cover up that mess of a roll. Trim the bottom as best as possible. Just get rid of the big edges and make things look a little better. this will give you a flatter bottom too. ok, now. Lay the pin cushion on top of the wool you are using for the bottom. And start trimming with scissors. Get it as nice as possible, but is wool and will stretch and you can make it nice. So don't go think'n you have wasted wool if it isn't cut just perfect.

See-not perfect bottom...Now whip stitch, button hole stitch or whatever stitch you would like to use. Stitch it to the sides. Nice.  You are FINISHED!!!!

I added some green wool leaves onto the sides for cuteness sake. Add any embellishment you can think of.


Here are a few more:

I made one a flower. That would be the kind of weird one on the left. Made a bunch of petals and attached them the same way as the leaves. There is no pattern for these, just a free handed cutting. I also made an itty bitty one. Way quick and easy. Perfect for a little traveling sewing kit.
Flickr it if you finish one of these cute things!! We want to see them...don't we?! yes, we do!!!

Quick update on the shop!!! NEW PATTERN!!! Take a look:

Flower Patch
Quilt Pattern
finished size: 51" X 43"

Perfect for little ones to snuggle, wrap or cover up in their crib with. Not too small, not too large. It has very simple 12 patch blocks and a great big applique flower. Simple enough for any beginner quilter. The pattern is done in tutorial style with pictures to help along the way and material list to get you started.
For this quilt i used a great lavender linen for the sashing and all the others are a collection of flower prints. Love them! This is perfect for a fat quarter collector.
Pick the pattern up over in the SHOP.

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Blogger Molly said...

Wow, I love the pincushions and the new quilt pattern! :)

6/10/09 5:38 PM  
Blogger Anne said...

These are SO cute!!! And perfect for the box of wool scraps I have!

I posted a link to your tutorial on Craft Gossip Sewing:


7/10/09 8:18 AM  
Blogger lej619 said...

wow Now i have to go and make myself some. wooo christmas is come....... hehehe
thanks and your quilts look great!~

7/10/09 2:47 PM  
Anonymous urban craft said...

wonderful tutorial, the tree truck's my favorite! We had snow over the weekend!

7/10/09 3:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for the link love and christmas is coming!!! the perfect little sewey gift, if i do say so myself.

7/10/09 5:35 PM  
Anonymous Sara said...

Great project. I posted a really cute crocheted and felted basket on my blog today, check it out!

8/10/09 10:32 AM  
Blogger Zarinaia said...

Great project! Thanks for this tutorial!
I posted a link to your tutorial on my blog:

Eleonora, an Italian girl in Sweden

9/10/09 11:48 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing the pincushions.

25/10/09 7:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you ever tried this using leftover cotton batting?

14/1/23 11:09 AM  

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