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A Bit of this and that

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whosies--written whatnots: A Bit of this and that


A Bit of this and that

I got a bit of stuff done.... wanna see?


A little Miss doll + a few accessories....skirts, dress, sweater dress, purse and blanket. Birthday present.


The garden and the flower spots. yuk. but they look so much happier when they are all cleaned and trimmed pretty like.

Brain Stretching

i go through phases. sudoku's in right now. i am in the difficult ones right now, but my favorite are the easy ones. makes me feel smart. hee hee


Cranky quilt Pattern. I'm following my own instructions and keeping track this time of yardage (that would of course mean that i needed to buy new fabric---which i am especially loveing!! i might need some more, in fact i know i do), and taking pictures to change the first few patterns to tutorial style. Love that style don't you? even printed, it's wonderful to the eyes and mind.


the web that is. Have you taken a look at the quilt parade list? There are some FANTASTIC players over there. I love snooping you know, and this is the ultimate snoop! First quilts. Many of these never see the light of day...and for one day they are blog popular!! yay for them! Then quickly hidden back away. Don't miss the chance to see them.

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Blogger Karin van Dam said...

Wow, you did get a lot done. Do you have lots of time, or lots of energy, or secretly hidden hours in your closet to use when needed? ;-)

Lovely doll and guilt by the way!

14/7/09 1:37 PM  
Blogger It's A Wonderful said...

That doll is to die for! How stinkin' cute is she?! L-O-V-E her! Send some of that resolve my way, would you?

15/7/09 8:37 AM  

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